This Blogging Thing is Hard

I love reading my favorite blogs and I get excited when I see that new posts are up.  How do they do it?  Some people make posts multiple times a day with videos and photos.  It’s mind boggling!

I have diligently been taking photos for the past few weeks, but it really takes focus to set aside the time to upload my photos and write about them.  Between working full time, spending time with the baby, keeping the condo in shape, and getting all my work done at night, I just haven’t had time.  I am going to work on a system to make this happen.  I’d like to blog on CSA night–to think about my new veggies and what I’ll do for the week.  Then, I want to pick two-three meals to write about.  I need to realize that every night is just too much and choose the best of the week to post on.  I’m going to do my best to catch up on the best of the meals from the past few weeks and then I hope to get into my groove.   Wish me luck!

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